Marketing Recruitment Solutions
We knew it would be a tall order, but one Groom & Associates was more than up to. They have some pretty ingenious methods for sourcing personnel, eventually tracking down our winning candidate through an exhaustive search of relevant social networks, something we neither had the time nor the inclination to do.
Marketing Recruitment Experts
Great People Build Great Brands
Brand, message, and reach are the cornerstones of marketing, and without an effective strategy your product or service, no matter how good or how unique, will go unnoticed. As marketing recruiters we understand that today your target audience isn’t just those within earshot, and it goes far beyond those who are at a manageable driving distance from the nearest mall or broadcast range of local media. And as a marketing recruitment agency we also understand that marketing professionals have to be intimately familiar with this newly emerging brand landscape.
Some of the marketing positions we’ve recently filled
- Director / VP Marketing
- Graphic Designer
- E-Commerce Marketing Manager
- Marketing Effectiveness Manager
- Industrial Development Manager
- Brand Promotion Manager
- Market Research
- Category Manager
- SEO & Online Marketing
- Marketing Analyst
- Channel Marketing
- Product Development
- Marketing Assistant
- Product / Brand Manager
- Marketing Coordinator
The Groom & Associates Difference
Technology has erased the limits that geography and practicality once placed on consumers and transformed the 21stcentury into one of high-level 360° marketing. Marketing has had to adjust to new realities faster than many other segments and the changes it is undergoing are rapid and constant. Is it any wonder that marketing recruitment has had trouble keeping up with the evolution of market place? Marketing professionals must have a keen grasp of a knowledge base and a skill set that have evolved in parallel. Finding fully qualified marketing staff is an uphill battle, thankfully Groom & Associates have not only been able to follow these changes, we’re forever improving and expanding our understanding of the segment so that we can be in a position to anticipate future trends and respond in kind to the radical social and technological innovations that seem to redefine and reinvent the marketing job descriptions without end.
Marketing is a competitive area, and it’s one where the energy of youth works best in concert with the experience more seasoned professional can bring to the arena. The talent pool for marketing positions is as much in a state of flux as the segment itself, and spotting exceptional candidates requires presence and vigilance. As a marketing recruitment agency we take the initiative when it comes to finding the right candidate for the right position within your marketing arm – professionals who are veritable brand, image and communication experts. We go out and actively seek the talent that will complete your organization and allow it to deliver a clear, convincing message to a difficult audience.
Groom & Associates approaches every candidate search as if it were key not only to your success, but also to ours. If we’ve been at the forefront of marketing staffing and recruitment for over 20 years it’s because we’re in it to win, and that won’t happen if we’re second best. It’s an attitude that marketing professional respond to, it’s how they see every project and initiative they work on. When our name is attached to your next great hire we both come out on top – your marketing department flourishes, your market expands, and Groom & Associates hones its skills even further as marketing staffing experts, so the next time we collaborate on recruitment you’ll know that the outcome is going to be stellar.
Working with Groom & Associates is a lot like having an ultra-specialized HR department in-house. We’re responsive to your needs, we understand the specificities and nuances of the position you’re hoping to fill, and most importantly, we know where to find the person that fits your precise requirements. We’ll dig deeper, try harder and find the answers to questions you may not have even considered. A marketing staffing agency has to do a lot more than resort to the traditional avenues many other recruitment agencies fall back upon, Groom & Associates prides itself on doing more, knowing more, and achieving more – for you. That’s how we stay ahead, and ensure you do as well.
At Groom & Associates we’ve done more to provide exceptional, qualified marketing staff to many of Canada’s leading corporations than almost any other recruitment firm. They count on us to be their experts, they know we never refuse a challenge - and when it comes to finding marketing professionals, the challenge is complex and never-ending. We’ve made marketing one of our specialties, it’s part of our brand, and all of that knowledge and expertise is merely a phone call or an email away.
Meet our Marketing Experts
Carole Viger-Berman
Director, Engineering, Operations and Manufacturing